Friends of Hawley: Our PTO
Meet Our Board
President: Ashley Chapman
Vice President: Danielle Hayes
Treasurer - Ashley Glenn
Secretary - Misty Taylor
Welcome to Friends of Hawley
We would like to welcome you to the "Friends of Hawley" (FOH), our parent/teacher organization. It operates similar to a PTO. In addition to your typical fundraisers, monies are raised through concession sales at athletic events and dances.
We need parent involvement in middle school as much as we did in elementary, if not more. We would like to encourage you to participate in our organization and get involved at Hawley. We not only need board members, but we also need people to help run the concession stands at games and dances. If you feel you are not able to help with either of these, we also need donations of band aids, dry erase markers, tissues, disinfectant wipes, paper towels, and other supplies that are needed in the classroom, but are not paid for by the school budget.
Over the years, FOH has raised funds to provide new uniforms and equipment for sports teams, supplement technological equipment within the school, and provided funds for interior and exterior school building and grounds improvement. Our fundraising efforts for the 2024-25 school year will be used to provide supplies needed to enhance our children's learning and safety along with providing money for school clubs. If everyone does a little, a lot can happen!
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